Thursday, May 24, 2012

Myrtle Beach Days

Married Life adventure #1 - Weekend Getaway to the ever-classy Myrtle Beach.

About a year ago we got sucked into a TimeShare presentation/free weekend stay when we were shopping at Bass Pro Shops (David's little piece of heaven on earth). 2 Free nights in a resort, $100 gift card to Bass Pro (That's all David needed to sign up!) and all we had to do was sit through a 2 hour presentation? Sign us up!

The weekend was great! Turns out it was timed just right too, because Bike week started the day we left. Whew! Despite the 2 hour, which turned into 4 hour presentation, We enjoyed all the typical Myrtle Beach things - outlet Shopping, putt putt (which I killed David in!), Broadway at the Beach, Barefoot Landing, Resort Pools, Johnny Rockets, etc. We even went to a show,  Le Grand Cirque (which was like a mini-Cirque du Soleil) which was amazing! Trapezes, Motorcycles in a cage ball, acrobats, the works. If you're ever in MB, you should SEE it! So good. 

After being so busy right after the wedding, with all the moving and such, it was so nice to spend a quality weekend of just the two of us. Here's a few pics from our adventure!

 Part of The Cast of the Show - they're all one family from Romania - mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, you name it. Talk about a family business!

THIS GUY - was hilarious. He was the mime/entertainment while we were waiting on it to start, and during all the breaks when they were re-setting the stage. So funny. Perfect for the part. 

One of the pools at our resort

Fun drinks from the poolside bar. David wanted his in his new Bass Tervis. Silly boy.

Relaxin' by the pool (which was we just soaked up the rays!) :)

Our last day we went to Barefoot Landing and they had a TIGER exhibit! David had to pry this Clemson girl away from the fence to keep shopping. They were so beautiful...and HUGE!

These two loved each other. 

Our only pic together of the weekend...At least it's a good one!

As for our next adventure, this low country soul is craving some mountain views... so hopefully we'll make it happen soon!

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