Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday 2.7.13

This week, I'm thankful for prayer.
As I mentioned in the post earlier this week, a lot of big things are on the horizon for us. And the doors keep opening. My gut reaction? Fear, apprehension. If these things work out, it could be life changing and awesome. If they don't? We'll still be A-okay. How do I know this? Prayer. Seems I've been in constant prayer this week. I'm learning that when I pray for "trust" or "faith", God's not going to magically give me those qualities. He's going to give me something to build my trust and faith. I'm learning. It seems David is much better at this part than I am, as he's ready to dive in head first. Me, I'm getting there. Exciting things are coming. 
(And no, it's not a baby for all of you inquiring minds, haha!)

This week, David's thankful that God seems to be opening doors to a better life. 
This ties in with the above. Not that our life is bad in any way, shape or form. We have a great life. He's just thankful that God seems to be pushing us toward an even better one!

This week, I'm thankful for my job. 
I got to travel to San Francisco last week for a conference. While it was a work trip, I still got plenty of time to be a tourist. I went in high school, but when I got back, lost all of my photos that I had put in an album. So, I'm thankful I got to go back and take replacements! It was a great trip. It's a great city. And the pacific ocean is still really cold on the toes :).

This week, we're thankful for each other.
We've been apart a lot for the last couple weeks, so we've really been enjoying our time together this week! Marriage is awesome. And it's almost been a year already - how crazy is that!?

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