Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Round-Up


Our Biggest Accomplishment: Becoming Homeowners!
We bought our first home back in October. It was definitely a lot of work...and I think several trees were killed in the process (SO much paperwork!). We are now beginning the long road to renovating & updating. Will try to be better about blogging and posting before and after shots as we go! 
(...thanks, Google Maps...)

Our Biggest Change: Church Switching
Earlier this year I blogged about leaving LifePark and heading back over to FBC Mt. Pleasant. It has been a huge adjustment, but we are happy, growing spiritually, worshipping more than ever and definitely feel confident that the Lord has us where He wants us. We still miss our LP family though!!
"The Foundation" - Our LifeGroup at FBC!

Our Biggest Adventure: Jamaica!
We went on several little trips this year - Myrtle Beach, Columbia, etc. as usual, but our one big trip was our Honeymoon/First Anniversary week in Jamaica! It was the vacation of a lifetime - we climbed a waterfall, snorkeled, danced, ate great food, enjoyed fun drinks, visited Negril, shopped, and most of all relaxed and enjoyed quality time together!! It was everything we hoped it would be!
Sunset over the water, Rick's Cafe, Negril

Our Biggest Frustration: Holt Transmission
I probably shouldn't state their name on here, as they still have not fixed the problem we took to them a MONTH ago. Seriously, I have not had a car for the whole month of December. We took it in with transmission problems and they said they needed to rebuild the transmission, which would take about 3 days. You'd think, by the name of their company, they know how to do that (You had one job....). Don't let the name fool you, they have no idea what they're doing. Bonus, they'll break your AC for you while they're at it!
I do have it now, although it needs to go back for a third time, but I'm just being stubborn and refusing to give it back just quite yet. It's ok that is shakes while in reverse, and sometimes cuts off, right? (Kidding...I know that's bad.)

Our Favorites:
Bands: The Lumineers, Mumford and Sons
Worshipers: Kari Jobe, Rend Collective, Elevation
Restaurants: Still Miyabi Sushi Bar! And The Shelter on Coleman for Brunch
Worship Songs: Give Me Faith, Elevation Worship; Steady My Heart, Kari Jobe
TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Duck Dynasty, The Walking Dead (D), Hart of Dixie (C)
Book read this year: The Book Thief, Marcus Zusak (C); Caliban's War, James S.A. Corey (D)

On the calendar for 2014? 

Guatemala - July 2014
We are going on a Mission Trip (My first one out of the country!) for a week in July with our church. David's always had a love for global missions, (He's already been to Nicaragua and Panama), and I've always wanted to go out of the country (My US missions trips have been phenomenal too, though!). Pray for us in the months leading up to our trip. We're SO excited!!

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thankful Thursday 8.8

Today, I'm thankful for having a long weekend coming up! That's right - Friday AND Monday off! They won't be spent completely relaxing - gotta squeeze a little work in there tomorrow and Saturday ;)

Which leads to our next bit of thankfulness...
We're thankful for all the side work we've been getting lately (as well as our full time jobs) because we've gotten a good bit of extra income.

Which leads to our next bit of thankfulness...
We're thankful for that extra income, because we're in the early stages of maybe possibly buying our house! (Well, not our house, Aunt Sharon's house, but the one we live in). So pray for us! It's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.

I'm also thankful for David, who knows me so well, he made and brought me "Sleepy Time" hot tea to help me sleep last night, since he knows I haven't been sleeping well. (Yes, that's shameless bragging on my hubby. I can't resist sometimes - he's just SO good to me!)

David's thankful for getting Monday off so we can relax together all day!

I'm also thankful for being on this earth for 27 years now (Well, on Sunday.)
Happy Birthday to me! :)

Peace & Blessings
C & D

Monday, July 29, 2013

Making a Switch

You all know that David and I have been very plugged in to our church, the Church at LifePark for the past few years. We've been student ministry adult leaders, worship team members, student band leaders, bible study members and I do a lot of design work for the church.

But in recent months, David and I have really been wrestling with where God wants us. We have been questioning where we can do the most good in ministry. Where we can be used best. Where we will grow the most. We've been asking and searching for a clear vision of where the Lord wants us in this season of our life. The idea of changing churches began forming. Is LifePark still the best fit? Should we go back to McCants? Or, should we search for a new church all together, maybe closer to home? Are we really open to what the Lord is asking? What is He asking?

Since then we've felt a stirring that God might want us to go back to our original campus, First Baptist Church of Mt. Pleasant, (aka McCants) in the Old Village. So we began to pray. Unbeknownst to us, so did a few of the staff members. How COOL is it, that while we were praying about this decision, a few of the staffers were also chatting about us, and praying about us. (FYI: That's a God thing.)

After all this seeking and waiting and praying and resisting and accepting and second-guessing and getting excited and questioning and committing (yes, we ran through all of those stages), our answer was clear: go back to FBC McCants Campus.

We feel the Lord leading us to be foundational in the young adult ministry that's springing up over at McCants. (Check us out on Facebook and join us!) We have been a part of a small group for a while now, and have really loved watching it grow. We also know we can bring our gifts in worship to McCants, and step in there when needed. You all know our passion is worship, and we feel God calling us to help further the worship service over there, in whatever capacity we are needed. 

We feel like we helped plant LifePark, and were a part of getting it off the ground a few years ago, and we hope we have helped to further the Kingdom out there. I have no doubt there are people waiting in the wings to fill our void. But at the end of the day, we really feel confident in our decision to commit to McCants, at this stage in our life. We feel the call, and feel confident that we're being obedient. We love LifePark, we just aren't sure it's where we're supposed to be serving in this season. After speaking with Julianna yesterday (LifePark worship leader, my role model and my buddy) I felt her blessing and a peace. Then we spoke with Chip last night (McCants Associate Pastor, another role model and friend) and felt even MORE confident in our decision. Still, it will be a major transition, and we will miss the relationships and people and environment and everything out at LP. Mainly the relationships. It makes us sad to think about not seeing all of our friends and loving on each other each week. (So pray for us in that, will you?) Although we've already formed really great relationships back at McCants, we'll still miss our LP family. 

So for the LifePark-ers who may be reading, don't worry, we'll still be around, and will definitely pop-in every once in a while. And if you miss us, we're still a phone call away! And remember, we're one church, with two campuses, so we're still the same body. LP Ladies - keep me in the loop! :)

And for the FBC McCants friends, we hope you'll be ok with seeing our faces a lot more often. We can't wait to do life with you!

Will you pray with us and for us? We're so excited for this coming season. We're excited to be on board with what God's doing in the local church!

Peace & Blessings,
C & D

Friday, July 26, 2013

Old Charleston

Just for fun - I stumbled across these two photos online of King Street, taken around 1910. 
Doesn't everything just look so much more glamorous in the night shot?
What would it be like to live back then, if only for a day?

King Street at Wentworth 
Photos courtesy of www.shorpy.com

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thankful Thursday 6.27

Backstory to this post: I'm currently reading a book called "Worn Out Woman: When your life is full but your spirit is empty". I bought it a long time ago when I was feeling overwhelmed, and (surprise, surprise) was too busy to actually find the time to read it. Lately, I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed with crazy stress at work, side jobs I'm taking on (probably more than I should be - still learning to say no), duties at home, prioritizing time for husband, and making time for friends and family. So, I picked the book up again. (I must admit, I'm a bit embarrassed to be reading a book titled "Worn Out Woman" - makes me think of an old, haggard woman who looks similar to a wrinkly witch...but I feel worn out, so, here I am. Don't judge.) 

Last night, I read a chapter about gratitude, and found a reference to this poem...so I looked up the rest of it online today and loved it! It's a perspective changer. My additions/edits are worked in as well.


…the mess to clean up after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
…the taxes I pay because it means that I’m employed.
…the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
…my shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
…the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot garage because it means I am capable of walking.
…all the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
…that lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
…lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
…my huge heating air conditioning bill because it means that I am warm cool.
…weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means that I have been productive.
…the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am alive.
By: Nancy J. Carmody

And a few more additions of my own:
...oversleeping this morning because it means I got a little extra-needed rest.
...the dwindling funds in our savings account, because it means we're making progress on my student loans.
...the snoring that keeps me up at night because it means my husband is next to me.
...the other snoring that keeps me up at night, because it means my pup is sleeping. (Yes, Charlie snores). :)

Happy Thursday! C&D

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thankful Thursday 5.30.13

Whew! I'll begin by saying I'm thankful it's almost June! :) Though I'm not sure June is bringing much of a reprieve in the busy-ness category...Going to have to work on that. We're supposed to slow down in the summer, right?

May has been a whirlwind...Seriously, how is it already the 30th? I've been off the blogging bandwagon pretty much all month (as per usual, I'm afraid to say. I just can't for the life of me find the time or think of something important enough to post more regularly) BUT that's also because we've had SO much going on in the real world lately! 

So, take this as our Month-of-May Update and List of thankfulness. :)

We're thankful for our dear friend, Devin, who graduated from USC this month! Been a long time comin'!

We're thankful for my awesome Momma, who celebrated another birthday this month! No, Momma, I won't tell them how old you are ;).

We're also thankful for my Momma's best buddy Beth, who also celebrated a birthday this month! We won't tell them how old you are, either :).
Momma & Beth with their beards at Beth's
Duck Dynasty birthday party! 

We're thankful for this beautiful weather lately! THIS is why we live in Charleston. 

We're thankful for our Health! Thankful for our Great Physician and Healer.

We're thankful for our Mothers - and that we got to spend time with BOTH of them on Mother's Day. 

We're thankful for being a part of our precious niece Lyla's first trip to the beach! Watching her take it all in was pure joy. 
Watching the wave coming!
Just LOOK at those little running legs! :)

We're thankful for the opportunity we had this year to lead our Student Band at LifePark. This past Sunday was "Student Sunday" and they got to lead worship for all three services! And, let me tell you, we felt like Proud Parents! Watching them grow in the Lord and grow in worship since last August was so rewarding - all to culminate in watching them lead our whole church body in worship (excellently, I might add!) was so rewarding. So we're SUPER thankful to have had that role in their life!

We're thankful for all the extra work we've been doing. (Eww, what?) No, we're not always thankful in the moment, but in the big scheme of things, we ARE thankful for all the side jobs both of us have been getting, to help us get ahead in our savings a little bit! And both of us love what we do, so it's not bad :)

We're thankful for all of our great veterans who fought and died to give us the freedom to live the way we do! We don't have to only appreciate and honor them on Memorial Day!

I'm personally thankful for quality time I've gotten to spend with special, Godly women this month! I got to spend a few hours with my Mother in Law one day, and a few hours this past Saturday with my best bud Jenny. I admire both of them so much and truly, truly enjoyed having "Girl talk" with both! So blessed to have these two as such important women in my life!!

David's thankful for: "My new job [still] - Working for a good company that has owners that care about their employees. And for my beautiful wife!" (awww...Can I add that I'm thankful that he responds to my "What are you thankful for" texts each time I make a TT post!?)

Peace & Blessings,
C + D

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Steady My Heart

As worshippers, David and I both seem to find the Lord through songs. Worship tunes just seem to speak truths over us. Help us to put music to our thoughts and prayers exactly. I don't necessarily think that's even a trait you get from being musicians, I think everyone can relate to hearing a song and having that "aha" moment - they are singing exactly what you're thinking!

Thus, I've found my thoughts on this week so far in a song by (who else) Kari Jobe. It's one of my favorite tunes by her and has been for a while. She's insanely talented, and so authentic.

My heart needs steadying.
But, He's here, He's real, and we can trust him. 

Steady My Heart - Kari Jobe

Wish it could be easy
Why is life so messy
Why is pain a part of us
There are days I feel like
Nothing ever goes right
Sometimes it just hurts so much

But you're here
You're real
I know I can trust you

Even when it hurts
Even when it's hard
Even when it all just falls apart
I will run to you
'Cause I know that you are
Lover of my soul
Healer of my scars
You steady my heart
You steady my heart

I'm not gonna worry
I know that you've got me
Right inside the palm of your hand
Each and every moment
What's good and what gets broken
Happens just the way you've planned

You are here
You're real
I know I can trust you

Even when it hurts
Even when it's hard
Even when it all just falls apart
I will run to you
'Cause I know that you are
Lover of my soul
Healer of my scars
You steady my heart
You steady my heart

And I will run to you
And find refuge in your arms
And I will sing to you
'Cause of everything you are

You steady my heart
You steady my heart

Even when it hurts
Even when it's hard
Even when it all just falls apart
I will run to you
'Cause I know that you are
Lover of my soul
Healer of my scars
You steady my heart
You steady my heart

I'm not gonna worry
I know that you've got me
Right inside the palm of your hand.

This song will be on repeat all week, until I let it sink in. He's got me (and my family) in the palm of HIS hand. What better place to be, right?

Steady My Heart was followed closely by "Hide Away" by Ben Rector. You should listen to both. :)

Sorry for the "bummer" of a post - don't worry about us, just pray for my family. Just being truthful on a Tuesday. :)

Peace & Love

Friday, April 19, 2013

Jamaica Us Crazy

Last month David and I took our one-year anniversary/belated honeymoon trip to the beautiful island of Jamaica! We stayed 7 days in an all inclusive resort and had an amazing time. Saving up for a "real" honeymoon really paid off! Sorry it took me over a month to post pics - we'll just say "I was on Jamaica Time" :)

Those are just some of our favorite pics. To view the rest of our favorites, visit our Jamaica Facebook album!

Happy Friday, Mon!
C + D